How to use AnoVault (Step-by-step guide)

A step-by-step guide to use AnoVault and start investing in crypto in a few minutes.

AnoVault information page: AnoVault app:

  1. Click "Sign in"

  1. You will see the options of signing in or signing up via the traditional Web2 methods, or you can continue with a native crypto wallet. Using Email or Social Logins is easier for beginners who don't want to deal with private keys. Email/Social Login wallets are also called MPC wallets because they use the Multi-Party Computation technology for the wallet security and accessibility. The MPC technology makes your wallet keyless -- meaning that you will not have access to your account's private keys nor a secret recovery phrase.

  1. After you create an account, your next step is to fund the wallet with USDC.

You can do that by going to your profile, and either click "Add Funds" and use our onramp provider, or send USDC (on Arbitrum One network) from another wallet or exchange to your AnoVault's account address. You also need ETH for the gas balance to pay for the transaction fees. Since the transactional layer is Arbitrum, the fees are a few cents per transaction.

  1. After you have USDC in your account, then you have to decide on which vault/portfolio you will invest and follow. If you go to "Explore" page you can see all the available vaults.

  1. Finally, you click "Deposit" on the preferred vault and you confirm the amount (in USDC) and approve the 2 transactions.

Congratulations, you are now a crypto investor and exposed to all the vault's assets in just a few clicks. Now sit back and withdraw whenever you think is the right time for you.

Last updated